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Latin America or the sub-version of reality is a project that aims at establishing the state of contemporary art in Latin America. We decided to choose the topic of sub-version, which is abstract enough to encompass art produced by Latin American artists. At the same time we want to maintain a critical approach to the schemes that we have inherited from modernity.

LATINOAMÉRICA O LA SUB-VERSIÓN DE LO REAL es un proyecto que intenta establecer el estado del arte contemporáneo en América Latina. Decidimos escoger un sentido abstracto que de alguna manera pudiera envolver el arte producido por artistas latinoamericanos. Unido a este sentido abstracto quisimos tener una posición de crítica o de oposición a los esquemas que hemos heredado de la modernidad.


Essays: <<<

Is There a Latino In This Room? 30 Years of Latinidad in Canadian Filmmaking.
Author: Elena Feder

Elena Feder is an independent scholar, theorist, critic and curator of film and media arts. She holds an M.A. in Comparative Literature from the University of British Columbia and an M.A. in Spanish and Portuguese and PhD in Comparative Literature from Stanford University. In addition to teaching, she has curated programs and organized conferences both nationally and internationally with the support of both the Canada and British Columbia Councils For the Arts, and is the author of many articles published in magazines, academic journals and book collections. Elena was Humanities Fellow of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and is the founder and Executive Director of Error! Contact not defined. Society for the Advancement of Arts and Culture. Born in Bolivia, she currently resides in Vancouver.

My presence here today is the product of a long and fruitful collaboration between academic and art practices, perhaps not as rare in Latin America, but quite unusual in a Canadian context. It began as far back as 1999, in Vancouver, where I organized a citywide project under the rubric of Nations, Pollinations and Dislocations: Changing Imaginary Borders in the Americas . 1 The research goals underpinning that project were, first, to identify the artists, filmmakers and institutions involved in defining, in both the private and public spheres, new coordinates for a diasporic identity formation specific to the Americas from a Canadian perspective; second, to tease out the historical and aesthetic differences between Canadian Latinø filmmakers and their U.S. counterparts; 2 and, third, to situate the work of the former in the context of current debates about the changing nature of Latin American identity, and of notions of identity as a whole, in the multifaceted context of globalization. 3

coming soon...


1 The project was possible thanks to the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Canada and British Columbia Arts Councils, Simon Fraser University, Emily Carr College of Art and Design, Pacific Cinematheque Pacifique, Video In and Video Out, the Western Front, the Mexican and Chilean embassies, and a number of local businesses and individuals too large to list individually here.

2 I use the neologism Latinø rather than the more common and cumbersome Latino/a as a marker of difference. Imported from yet another alphabet, the letter "Ø" thus stands here as a marker of a politics and a poetics of deconstruction always already underpinned by gender and difference--in the philosophical sense of meanings that are both "different" and "deferred," and in the sense of multi-faceted social, political, economic, historical and cultural contexts that serve difference and deferral as backdrop and ground.

3 Néstor Garía Canclini, Latinoamericanos Buscando Lugar en este siglo . . (Argentina, Paidós, Estado y Sociedad, 2002), 116 pp.