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Trans-electronic media Project

I will consider Trans-electronic media as a conceptual term and a category of transformation in media and in new media arts. As such, Trans-electronic media pre-shapes and prefigures issues in digital and electronic art. The term Trans-electronic media implies an interrelationship between different media and new media languages that merge with each other where the couplings of different media elements result in a new form of reality perception. "The model of Language replaces the model of matter", Lyotard asserts, and with it the concept of reality becomes as malleable as language itself.

There are numerous languages available for performing media and new media art. Trans-electronic media project shows that practices in the new media arts cause the revelation of the medium through the representation of the difference between form and medium. Julieta Maria, Lorena Salomé and Patricio Davila, Brenda Goldstein and Ken Leung will use different software and electronic devices to build their interactive projects. Julieta uses Max/MSP to trigger her videos based on the position of the viewer, determining differences between light and shadows. Lorena uses sensors and electronics to create an anti-collaborative relationship between the viewer and the machine. Patricio, Brenda and Ken used the Processing software development environment. Developed by MIT Media Lab, Processing is a Java-based programming language that is geared to visual artists and designers.

Julieta's interactive video installation Findings is based on stories related to her grandfather's family immigration from Palestine to Colombia in the early XX century. Lorena uses machines as a reflection and as an extension of ourselves. She uses machines to remember, to work, to study, to learn. In lights/sounds Lorena uses electronic devices to create an interaction with people. The artists now attempt to construct an environment, a system of communication and production, a collective event that implies its recipients, transforming interpreters into actors. This is the way in which Patricio, Brenda and Ken use media and forms to create a new, fresh relationship within the community. Processing and other open-source software was used to hack the Bluetooth connectivity and accelerometer sensor in the Nintendo Wii (the core of the interface). The team was able to create a 'natural' communicative interface to the three dialogues presented   in the installation that was based on movement.

Jorge Lozano and Guillermina Buzio work with multi-channel video installations. Jorge's Eviction Notice is a beautiful Home/House metaphor. He works with a visual perception of the house. Then he introduces us to memories and remembrances through pictures and videos as shadows. Guillermina's multi-channel video installation Remnants is about war and the damage it inflicts on children. It deals with the effects of poverty, illness and displacement.



by Julieta Maria
Interactive Video Projection and Tiles, 2007

This project is supported by the Ontario Arts Council.




A Conversation/Una Coversación
by Lorena Salomé
Interctive electronic device, (2007)



Entre Texto Y Tierra (Between Text And Territory)
by Patricio Davila, Brenda Goldstein, Ken Leung (interactive video installation, 2007)



Eviction Notice
by Jorge Lozano
Three channel video installation, 2007

With the collaboration of Alexandra Gelis ( Photography/Montage)



by Guillermina Buzio,
Five channel video installation, 2007

Artists Collaborators: Jorge Lozano and Marta Cela
This project is supported by Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Arts Council